Quotes & Sayings
- All Jews are not rich & clever just like all Muslims are not terrorists & just like all Christians are not crusaders and just like all Hindu's are not Brahmins and just like all German's were not Nazi's and just like Savage's are not Cannibals.They are all common Human's determined by the proclaimed virtue of their beliefs. In the end, nature is beautiful and a human enjoys the smile of the beauty, nature has to offer.
- The Language of Royalty is half pleasure of Alcoholic-ism.
- In old times people visualised heavens & expressed the beauty in open speeches , scriptures & the books becoming Prophets, today Hollywood Visualised heavens in 20th century and expressed the spirits in Filming's & animations earning the title ''Disney Paradise''.In both the situations common people got utmost thrilled & excited. Moral : They should spread the beauty no matter what so ever is the source.
- Social working : I want to open a fire Brigade Department in Hell.
- Those leaders who think patriotism is the name of establishing the policy of international conflicts are actually deprived with in their own sphere's.
- There comes a time in life when imagination is more important than knowledge.Knowledge is an open path to the gates of knowing, understanding & experiences but then comes the person's imagination that encircles the entire world ''I wish i could grab the entire world's knowledge in my fist & twist it apart as a magic in my life.
- A man is a social donkey specially during the office Hours.
- That person can never ever experience the beauty of a wolves howl at a full moon night & rain drops slowly tipping the grounds while the nature speaks its marvellous languages of a God's merciful approach to the mankind that makes him the greatest of all , who finds calmness in the ugly sounds of an A-K 47 living in the ugly shadows of his little mental approach claiming to be the defender, guardian or a preacher of his own kind.
- Philosophy is a human instinct & when it comes to the concentration of Political philosophies it disperses itself with the birth of a new ideology & those who still live in the world of distractions actually don't want to prosper but die instantly.
- When you dance with a devil you wait for the music to stop.
- Every one wants to be an engineer but no one wants to be an inventor , Everyone wants to be a part of civil society but no one wants to be a social scientist (a Philosopher) because everyone is scared of his future forgetting the stance of creativity, That's our society (In reference to Pakistan & all the struggling nations Globally)
- If heavy militarisation was the only solution rather than education & prosperity aim sure our nation would have been a paradise by now but i see paradise only in Cantonments, defence housing societies & military installations. (In reference to Pakistan)
- The extermination of injustice & poverty exists not in the hands of capitalism, communism, fascism or any existing governing concepts! but the social revolution of the human kind all over the world placing the productive capacities of society into collective ownership. Upon this, material foundation classes would be abolished & the material basis for all forms of inequality between humankind would dissolve.
- The relationship of Krishna and Radha in Mahabharat is an depiction of all romantic exceptional stories of Romeo n Juliot, Ram and Seeta , Heer Rangha , Shah Jahan & Mumtaz Mahal.
- Beauty is a harmonious relation between nature & the quality of the object that delights us : Relations , love , essence of humanity and brotherhood & a beautiful smile.
- Why Army Officers always use the same Phrase ''Bloody Civilians'' in Pakistan ? Its because the bloody civilians don't have to take their pants off in front of their officers.
- I must study politics and war so that my son may have the liberty to study Mathematics & Philosophy.
- A country where more than 180 million people are waiting for God should be a country where people should believe in God but must have faith on themselves introducing the broader vision to their thinking capacity and ideologies. (In reference to Pakistan & all the struggling nations Globally)
- A nation is like a person who is a part of a social circle, either the person stays dumb and gets himself openly exploited or he gathers his strength & moves along in the circle of the globe with others maintaining its Honor, dignity and self respect.
- Nationalism is the name of hatred = Nazism, Charming in the beginning but the ultimate future = The worst disaster.
- The countdown has begun for the real democracy all around the world, Kingdom-ism and all the fascist regimes had to die one day , i'm glad aim the part of history today. (In reference to Egyptian ,Libyan and Syrian revolution)
- Past is a History & History is a dream when you fall into it.
- And when Molvi Sahab kept insisting to the scared, hungry people hidden inside a dark room about outer world invaded by the Zombies, one man finally stood, opened the door for the first time in 70 years, saw no Zombies but a bunch of clowns in their fancy dresses staring him, they came to him & asked why you people are hiding behind the doors. The man replied i thought you were a sign of evil for us but i didn't know the real Zombie was hiding within us.
- If God has arranged Lambada dance party for good people in Heavens, i'm sure he won't mind if we train ourselves a little bit here on earth for the big celebration.
- Its interesting we the humans regardless of any religion manage to find the natural portrays of their respective Gods anywhere around the entire planet, a fish with Allah name or a rock with Muhammad's name, A tree with a crucified Jesus portray or a Hanuman shaped child Ganesh with an elephant trunk portray on a tree or a Judith finding Moses commandments on a mountain rock.The whole of the nature speaks the language of a beautiful mare's nest.
- It is not consciousness of men that determines their existence but on contrary its their social existence that determines their consciousness.
- People try to convert others to a belief in their own explanation to universe.This is where the religions are born & when it reaches its heights it shapes it's self into a complicated theory.
- The most fascinating fact we can experience are the mysterious people around us: It is the source of arts & Behaviour.
- Conspiracy Theories: '' No one ever saw a goat dead of hunger but who killed the dinosaurs.May be Cow boys Americans.
- There are three states in Pakistan. Army ! who rules and loots the country, Government that robs the nation & the public transport union that can exceed 100 k/h with pathetic driving techniques almost taking another person's life.
- An army is a state in a state Monarchy who is sick of liberty and doctrine, literally existence & theoretical greatness.What it wants is Power, Power and Power (In reference to Pakistan)
- You know the difference between recession & depression. If you are doing MBA , that's a recession but if you ain't doing any thing that's a depression.
- Our national language ''Urdu'',but Karachi heights are named as Urdu speaking, our law & constitution written in English, some what 95% don't understand the language, our religion in Arabic,some what not even 1 % understand, and then we wonder why are we a confused nation.
- If you don't have a good choice then its not my fault.
- The era of Byzantines & Rome was the era of glory for Christians lands, the era of crusade's was the era of dark ages for Christian lands, The era of Caliph's was the era of glory was Muslim lands, the era of Mullah's and Talibs is the era of dark ages for Muslim lands.Moral of the story ''God forgot to send a Prophet for Socrates and Alexander as their lands shined before & they still shine till today.
- Having Religion Absent of Spirituality is a Curse.
- You are not Stupid as we thought, You might be intelligent ,that's dangerous for a slaves ''Mulla ,General and a politician''speaking to an ordinary Pakistani who challenges their Decision.
- Life is easy if one has an angel or a devil inside him but having both of them equally balanced and commanding is hard but when implemented in statesmanship both can produce a great legacy for the man commanding over the masses and the legend lives on.
By Hassan Durrani
i read all your sayings and really enjoyed them coz each has its real face value and interest....keep up the good work we are right behind u.....we need people like u........
ReplyDeleteSome of the sayings are simply awesome