Tuesday, 14 June 2011

'' X Military Men ''

  • No matter they left the military long time ago, living on the mercy of civilian organisations they will still  look upon the civilians as below themselves 
  • They will not let you speak even if you are correct.
  • They will try to make the other people believe they are the most intelligent people in the entire world   even though the other person knows he is a total jack ass.
  • They will never let any intelligent or an experienced person to surpass them.
  • They are very afraid of Intellectual people.
  • They will expect you to obey them like a foot soldier, and if you fail, they will hurt your ego.
  • They love to fire; they will keep firing the lower staff trying to show their presence and power.
  • If anyone tries to correct them, they will burn and blaze, pointing and posing fingers with the curves on the forehead, this is their only defensive strategy.
  • No matter even if the person has got the highest GPA’s or educational certificates they will still hire their own incompetent people for the jobs.
  • Even all the day they have got nothing to do, they will still pretend to be busy as in hell ‘’ Look busy do nothing’’ is their old policy
  • If you are discussing about Economics, Finance, marketing or any official work, they will get embarrassed as they know nothing about these things, to overcome their embarrassment they will waste your next 60 min telling the stupid tales of Tanks, Guns, Rifles, and grenades, things nothing to do with any official activity.
  • They speak loud on cell & office phones to gain other people’s attention.
  • They will keep interfering in other people’s business even if it’s not their business.

These are only a few qualities mentioned yet but the main issue still stands much griever. It is said by the year 2020 seventy Million ( 7 crore) youngsters ageing from 18 to 25 would neither have any decent education, nor they will  be having any labour skills to balance their qualities as energetic,decent visionary youth of Pakistan and those with Higher education would face hurdles in the race of adjusting themselves for better opportunities due to the limited seats taken by the retired military officers in both civil and private sectors.

When we talk about the Youth and their secured future, we also have the responsibility as a nation to stand and critics the factors responsible for manipulating the social and financial rites of the youngsters, we have to gather our strength and  stand for those  willing to work for the betterment of the country entirely depending upon the Merit, talent and equal rights.